Vifta med händerna fj0rtiz

Men vinka då för fan ^^

One foot over, there's no time to turn around
Both feet are over and I'm heading for the ground
I'm flying in the air, and I can feel the cool breeze
The people on the pavement have gone into a feeze
No space no time, it's like walking on the moon
My heart is still beating, but it won't be soon
I can hear myself scream, when I hit to the street
I can't feel a thing from my head to my feet
I told you I would do it, and I didn't even cry
Feel more alive dead, than when I was alive

Clawfinger, precis sådär tungt som det ska vara. Texterna fångar allt mellan himmel och jord. Visst, hycklare. Men vafan, det är ju det vi är.

Tell me what you were thinking, if you even were,
when you forced her to go all the way.
Did you feel like a big man when you were on top of her?

Jag ska säga något själv också.
Jag börjar glida ur vanan nu. Men vill jag verkligen det? Kanske är så van att jag gör det av bara rutin.
 Jag vill inte. Eller? Gosh, minnet sviktar.


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